HID Global is a leading manufacturer of card readers and cards. HID has developed card encryptions iClass and iClass Seos, which are considered one of the most secure card encryption technologies. Additionally, HID has been involved in the creation of OSDP (Open Supervised Device Protocol) and was one of the early adopters of this technology. Today, OSDP has become the standard solution for communication between card readers and controllers.

HID's products are modern and highly secure. Cards are copy-proof (e.g., SEOS, iClass SE), ensuring that the access log reflects reality and that no stranger has entered with a copied card. In addition to conventional access cards, HID's products also support mobile access cards, including Bluetooth and NFC. This means that carrying cumbersome cards is no longer necessary; having a mobile phone or smartwatch is enough. Many private companies, most government agencies, and also the military sector in Estonia use HID cards and card readers. HID's high-quality products have been in use in Estonia for over twenty years.

HID Signo card readers are considered the best in their class. The biggest advantage over competitors is that Signo card readers are very versatile. They have built-in support for Bluetooth, NFC, and Apple Wallet. For communication with the controller, the readers support both Wiegand and OSDP protocols, making them future-proof. Card readers can be easily configured through the HID Reader Manager application. In the application, you can change the LED color of the reader and choose when and what sound it makes. Even environmental friendliness has been considered - since card readers do not consume much power, there can be hundreds of them in buildings. To reduce power consumption, readers have an Intelligent energy-saving mode, which minimizes electricity consumption when the device is not in use.